Research Strategy
We give Vice Chancellors/Presidents/Rectors, Deputy Vice Chancellors/Presidents/Rectors, CEOs and Directors objective and strategic advice on how best to position research infrastructure and support to meet your goals. We do this through a variety of approaches, such as:
- Assessment of structures at the university, faculty or research centre level
- Professorial assessments and mentoring
- Workshops to faculties, schools or research centres on how to focus to increase their research productivity
- Coordination/leadership of research retreats or strategic planning forums for academic managers
- Workshops or written advice and assistance on how to form research centres and key research strengths
- Conducting reviews of research offices
- Advice on developing strategies for strengthening research outputs and outcomes
- Strategies to improve global rankings of your university
- Advice on developing and strengthening research governance frameworks
- Assistance implementing policies on research commercialisation