Enabling World Class Research

Professional development
for senior research managers and leaders

With decreasing global budgets, especially after the global financial crisis, and the need for better planning and more strategic use of resources to carry out major projects within time constraints, the necessity for successful leaders to have skills and expertise in Project Management is becoming essential in all businesses globally, and especially universities.

Our workshops cover research management and all aspects required to successfully complete major projects, on time, on budget, and to high standards: all the strategies that lead to higher international university rankings.

Objectives – For participants to:

  • Acquire the skills necessary for essential strategic planning and project management
  • Develop confidence and leadership capability
  • Understand the benefits of leadership for research teams
  • Understand the benefits of forming excellent research centres
  • Identify the value of focusing resources
  • Develop strategies to improve global rankings

Suggested Topics

  • Role and importance of research management
  • Research Governance – why is it essential? elements of a governance framework; research misconduct;
  • Risk Management – financial; resources; professional; hazards; strategic risks; processes and procedures
  • Research Strengths – forming and assessing major research centres; necessity for research strengths; why do you need to be in a research strength? reporting relationships within the university; group/centre/institute characteristics; key performance indicators; close out procedure
  • Research strategy – what is it? why is it essential? where are you now? where do you want to be? this is how we will get there; using objective database analysis to improve research
  • World class universities – people, policies, resources, rankings
  • Project management – what is a project; your role as a project manager; stages of a project, project management techniques;
  • Leading people in universities – what is leadership? types; what is your leadership style (practical exercise)? major mistakes university leaders make; managing under- performance; characteristics of good leaders; performance appraisal
  • Commercialisationwhat is Intellectual Property? why commercialisation is important; types of IP protection; making a business plan; commercialising to a world market; major commercialisation traps; IP auditing; financial benefit distribution.

Our free book on research management and leadership can be downloaded here

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